26 May 2020

What will you be doi...

Hi pamWhat will you be doing during your summer holiday this year?It’s the ‘will we, won’t we?’ ....
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22 May 2020

22May It\'s a Feelgo...

Here's a two-minute dose of positivity to get you through the fifth Feelgood Friday since lockdown.Let's take a moment t....
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21 May 2020

How the pets of Kent...

In this two-minute read, we look at the ways pets are bringing comfort, companionship, and calmness to people across Mal....
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18 May 2020

Our Safety First Way...

On Wednesday last week, it was officially announced estate agents in England could go back to work as part of the Govern....
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15 May 2020

It\'s a Feelgood Fri...

It's the fourth Feelgood Friday since lockdown, and this week we have something for everyone. A two-minute positivity fi....
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12 May 2020

A Covid-19 update fo...

A quick update on what the Government’s report issuedyesterday means to people thinking of selling or letting in M....
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11 May 2020

A Coronavirus Update...

In this three-minute read, we share four simple ways you can get your property ready for sale if you are thinking of mov....
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07 May 2020

How to (virtually) m...

Life under lockdown and respecting social distancing guidelines needn’t mean you have no social life as this 2-min....
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01 May 2020

It\'s Feelgood Frida...

Welcome to the Feelgood Friday update from CWB Property.Yesterday Boris Johnson and his team of medical experts shared p....
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30 Apr 2020

Why lockdown laughte...

For most of us, lockdown is getting a little boring. But we all must keep following the Government's guidelines around s....
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27 Apr 2020

Four ways homebuyers...

In this two-minute read, we look at some of the things home buyers looking might want from their new properties once the....
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23 Apr 2020

Lockdown - A Hair-Ra...

Let’s have a bit of Thursday fun inMalling & Medway with this look at what lockdown is doing to people’s hai....
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